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Marketing Grants

The Illinois Department of Agriculture administers grants to qualified organizations in order to encourage further expansion of the Illinois agriculture industry.

The following grants are administered by the Marketing, Grants & Promotion Bureau:

Illinois Specialty Crop Block Grant

The Illinois Department of Agriculture receives Specialty Crop Block Grant funds from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for the Specialty Crop Block Grant - Farm Bill. A portion of those grant funds will be used to fund the Illinois Specialty Crop Grant Program. Through this program Illinois specialty crop projects can apply for grant funds to help increase the competitiveness of the Illinois specialty crop industry.

Illinois Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Program

The purpose of the Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure (RFSI) program is to build resilience in the middle of the food supply chain, to provide more and better markets to small farms and food businesses, to support the development of value-added products for consumers, fair prices, fair wages, and new and safe job opportunities. 

Illinois Local Food Infrastructure Grant

The new Local Food Infrastructure Grant Program will invest in critical infrastructure to scale up the processing, aggregation, and distribution of local food to meet the needs of Illinois communities. 
