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Directories Resources
Bureau of Marketing & Promotions
Farmers Markets Listing
Illinois is 3rd in the nation for the number of farmers markets. Over 3,000 farmers markets across the country offer consumers farm-fresh, affordable, convenient, and healthy products such as: fruits, vegetables, cheeses, herbs, fish, flowers, baked goods, meat and much more. Please take this opportunity to search for a community or roadside farmers market near you.
Food and Agribusiness Guide
Search through our listings to contact companies who either produce, process, package or are headquartered in Illinois.
Food Broker Listing
Listing of Food Brokers in Illinois with contact names, products they represent, types of businesses they currently sell, and services offered.
Food Programs & Services
An overview of programs and services offered by the Illinois Department of Agriculture to help businesses promote and sell their products.
Hay and Straw Directory
List of variety of straws and hays available in Illinois.