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Agriculture Education
Bureau of Marketing & Promotions
Ag Education Partners
Illinois Agricultural Education has many partners. Without the tireless efforts of thousands of individuals and organizations, Illinois Agriculture Education would never have been able to accomplish everything that it has over the past 50 years. Please visit the Ag Education Partners links to learn more about a few of these dedicated organizations.
Agricultural Legislative Day
The annual Illinois Agricultural Legislative Day (IALD) is held Spring. This event provides an opportunity for representatives from farm and agricultural commodity organizations and other diverse agriculture interest groups to meet with their respective state senators and representatives, as well as the other sponsoring organizations.
Hosting Foreign Delegations
The Illinois Department of Agriculture often hosts foreign delegations visiting our state to learn more about our agriculture and our agribusinesses. Whether the group's focus is governmental, commercial trade, or academics and research, we try to accommodate in a way that promotes Illinois as a valuable partner.
Illinois State Fair - Agriculture Tent
Family friendly place where Mom and Dad can rest while the young ones play! Gathering groceries, coloring, playing games, story time, and a variety of other activities!
Lift Up Illinois Products
Illinois agriculture isn’t just about getting food on the table. The systems and infrastructure built in order to sustain the agriculture industry is vital to meet a multitude of needs for our state. Read more stories about how Illinois agriculture organizations are meeting needs during the COVID-19 outbreak.