Laws Administered by the Illinois Department of Agriculture
Disclaimer: This site contains links to various provisions of the Illinois Compiled Statutes and Illinois Administrative Code, which are maintained on the Illinois General Assembly's website. Clicking most of the links below will take you away from the Department of Agriculture website. This website should not be cited as an official or authoritative source on the laws below. Court decisions may affect the interpretation and constitutionality of statutes.
Administrative Rules
- Illinois Administrative Code, Title 8: Agriculture and Animals
- Illinois Administrative Code, Title 2: Governmental Organization, Chapter I: Department of Agriculture
Statutes Administered: organized alphabetically by responsible program area
Agricultural Products Inspection
Animal Health
- Animal Disease Laboratories Act
- Animal Gastroenteritis Act
- Animals Intended for Food Act
- Bovine Brucellosis Eradication Act
- Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (as it pertains to the Department of Agriculture)
- Illinois Bovidae and Cervidae Tuberculosis Eradication Act
- Illinois Diseased Animals Act
- Illinois Equine Infectious Anemia Control Act
- Illinois Feeder Swine Dealer Licensing Act
- Illinois Livestock Dealer Licensing Act
- Illinois Pseudorabies Control Act
- Illinois Swine Brucellosis Eradication Act
- Illinois Swine Disease Control and Eradication Act
- Livestock Auction Market Law
- Pest and Predatory Animal Control Act
- Poison Control System Act
- Slaughter Livestock Buyers Act
Animal Welfare
County Fairs and Horse Racing
Division of Cannabis Regulation
- Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act
- Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act
- Department of Agriculture Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Rules
- Industrial Hemp Act (hemp grown by individuals, farmers, and other entities)
- Industrial Hemp Pilot Program (hemp grown by universities/colleges for research)
Division of Natural Resources
Egg Program
Environmental Programs
- Environmental Protection Act (as it relates to agrichemical facilities-Section 14.6)
- Illinois Pesticide Act
- Illinois Noxious Weed Law
- Insect Pest and Plant Disease Act
- Lawn Care Products Application and Notice Act
- Livestock Management Facilities Act
- Pest Control Compact Act
Fiscal and Grants
- Agricultural Statistics Act
- Biotechnology Sector Development Act
- Farmer Equity Act
- Freedom of Information Act
- Illinois Vehicle Code - 625 ILCS 5/3-699.14(e)(16) (allowing for FFA decals)
- Powers of the Department of Agriculture
- Release of Genetically Engineered Organisms Act
- Rural Rehabilitation Cooperation Act
- Voter Registration - pursuant to 10 ILCS 5/1A-16.5
Land and Water Resources
- Agricultural Areas Conservation and Protection Act
- Agricultural Foreign Investment Disclosure Act
- Farmland Preservation Act
- Illinois Conservation Enhancement Actj
- Illinois Rivers-Friendly Farmer Program Act
- Native Prairie and Forage Preference Act
- Partners for Planning and Conservation
- Renewable Energy Facilities Agricultural Impact Mitigation Act
- Soil Conservation Domestic Allotment Act
- Soil and Water Conservation District Act
- Sustainable Agriculture Act
- Watershed Improvement Act
- Water Use Act of 1983
Marketing and Promotions
- County Cooperative Extension Law
- Illinois Family Farmer Support Act
- Farm Fresh Schools Program Act
- Farm Names Act
- Farm Products Marketing Act
- Farmers' Market Technology Improvement Program Act
- Food Handliing Regulations Act - 410 ILCS 625/3.4(c) (as it relates to product samples at IDOA's farmers' markets)
- Local Food, Farms, and Jobs Act
Meat and Poultry Inspection
- Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act (as it pertains to the Department of Agriculture)
- Humane Slaughter of Livestock Act
- Illinois Refrigerated Warehouses Act
- Kosher Food Act
- Meat and Poultry Inspection Act
- Poultry Inspection Act
- Sanitary Food Preparation Act (as it relates to establishments defined in section 25 of the Meat and Poultry Inspection Act)
State Fairs
Warehouse and Grain Dealer Inspection
Weights and Measures
Commodity Promotional Boards
(IDOA does not regulate these entitiles but is statutorily tasked with some administrative assistance)
- Beef Market Development Act
- Corn Marketing Act
- Equine Research and Promotion Act
- Food and Agriculture Research Act
- Illinois Grain Quality Program Act of 1988
- Illinois Milk Promotion Act
- Illinois Propane Education and Research Act of 1997
- Illinois Sheep and Wool Production Development and Marketing Act
- Illinois Swine Market Development Act
- Soybean Marketing Programs Act
- Wheat Development Act