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Boards and Commissions

There are several boards and commissions created in the many Acts overseen by the Department of Agriculture. The Director of the Department of Agriculture serves on several boards outside the Department as well. This Page contains details on all of the Department's boards and commissions, a list of boards the Director serves on, and the Open Meetings Act as it applies to Department boards.

Department of Agriculture Boards and Commissions

Board and Statutory Citation ​Purpose ​Department contact for further information
​Advisory Board of Livestock Commissioners, 20 ILCS 5/5-525 ​Reviews and approves rules and regulations of Department pertaining to the wellbeing of animals and disease prevention
​Division of Food Safety and Animal Protection
Agriculture Equity Commission,  20 ICS 415/5 

ensure equity in the State's top job producing industry by recognizing the loss to African American farmers and growers and the difficulties other minorities have faced in the agriculture industry and the effect those difficulties have on the food system, health, and economy of vulnerable communities

Senior Policy Advisor

Alternative Protein Task Force,  20 ILCS 4128 investigating and studying alternative proteins to identify and evaluate possible opportunities that the protein innovation and the alternative protein industry offer in the State. Legislative Affairs
​Cattle Disease Control Committee, 510 ILCS 15/2 ​only meets in the event of disease outbreak - to address disease prevention, management, and control in the case of disease outbreak ​Division of Food Safety and Animal Protection
Good Food Purchasing Policy Task Force - 102 GA HUR 33 

To study the current procurement of food within the State and explore how Good Food Purchasing can be implemented to maximize the procurement of healthy foods that are sustainably, locally, and equitably sourced

Senior Policy Advisor
​Illinois Grain Insurance Corporation Board, 240 ILCS 40/30-5

ensure equity in the State's top job producing industry by recognizing the loss to African American farmers and growers and the difficulties other minorities have faced in the agriculture industry and the effect those difficulties have on the food system, health, and economy of vulnerable communities

Bureau of Warehouses
​Illinois ​Propane Education and Research Council, 430 ILCS 27/15 ​​develops programs and projects for the Illinois Propane Education and Research Act, provides for research and development of clean and efficient propane utilization equipment ​Division of Agricultural Industry Regulation
​Interagency Committee on Farmland Preservation, 505 ILCS 75/3 ​Prepare policy statements and working agreements specifying the policy of that agency toward farmland preservation and the administrative process used to implement that policy - members are all State employees Bureau of Land and Water Resources
​Interagency Committee on Pesticides, 415 ILCS 60/19 ​Study and advise on the use of pesticides on State property, recommend needed legislation concerning pesticides - members are all State employees ​Bureau of Environmental Programs
​Livestock Management Facilities Advisory Committee, 510 ILCS 77/55 ​Review and evaluate rules for the Livestock Management Facilities Act - members are all State employees Bureau of Environmental Programs
​Nutrient Research and Education Council, 505 ILCS 80/6a ​pursue nutrient research and provide educational programs ​Division of Agricultural Industry Regulation
​Pseudorabies Advisory Committee, 510 ILCS 90/5.1 ​only meets during the timeframe of detection of a pseudorabies outbreak ​Bureau of Animal Health and Welfare
​Pseudorabies Technical Committee, 510 ILCS 90/5.1 ​made up of members of the Advisory Committee, the Technical Committee serves as a resource for persons on the technical aspects of herd plans ​Bureau of Animal Health and Welfare
​Racing Quarter Horse Breeders Fund Advisory Board, 230 ILCS 5/30.5 ​advise and assist the Department with regard to the administration of Illinois Racing Quarter Horse Breeders Fund ​Bureau of County Fairs and Horse Racing
​Seed Arbitration Council, 710 ILCS 25/35 ​addresses complaints that the Seed Review Committee could not successfully resolve ​Bureau of Agricultural Products Inspection
​Seed Review Committee, 710 ILCS 25/15 ​review complaints filed under the Seed Arbitration Act ​Bureau of Agricultural Products Inspection
​Standardbred Breeders Fund Advisory Board, 230 ILCS 5/31(f) ​advise and assist the Department with regard to the administration of the Illinois Standardbred Breeders Fund ​​Bureau of County Fairs and Horse Racing
​State Fair Advisory Board, 20 ILCS 210/8 ​advise Director and Department on operations of the State Fairs and Fairgrounds ​Bureau of Illinois State Fair
​State Soil and Water Conservation Districts Advisory Board, 70 ILCS 405/4 ​consult and advise on erosion and sediment control ​Bureau of Land and Water Resources
​Sustainable Agriculture Committee, 505 ILCS 135/5 seek funding for projects for sustainable agriculture and advise Department in program administration and funding recommendations ​Bureau of Land and Water Resources
​Swine Disease Control Committee, 510 ILCS 15/2 ​only meets in the event of disease outbreak - to address disease prevention, management, and control in the event of outbreak ​Bureau of Animal Health and Welfare
​Thoroughbred Breeders Fund Advisory Board, 230 ILCS 5/30(f) ​advise and assist the Department with the administration of the Illinois Thoroughbred Breeders Fund ​Bureau of County Fairs and Horse Racing

Boards on which the Director (or his designee) Serves

The Director of the Department of Agriculture is an ex officio member of several boards at the Department and outside the Department. In some instances, the enabling statute allows for the Director to select a designee to serve in his place. Below is a list of boards and commissions that include the Director in their membership, and links to their enacting statutes.



Open Meetings Act - 5 ILCS 120

The Open Meetings Act requires that public bodies hold meetings on convenient dates and times, and at convenient locations. Upcoming meeting information for Department of Agriculture Boards and Commissions can be found on the Department Calendar Events page. Past meetings and minutes can be found here. On the left-hand side of the page is a menu with links to specific Boards and Commissions. Meeting minutes will be available on this website within 10 days of their approval; minutes are not approved from a board meeting until the next board meeting. Minutes are required by the Act to be posted for at least 60 days; all minutes may not be posted.

All meetings will be held at the Department of Agriculture's John R. Block Building on the State Fairgrounds unless indicated otherwise on the agenda. A list of board members for active boards below can be found by clicking on the board name. When available, a list of regularly scheduled meetings for the calendar year will be in the chart below. Agendas for each will be posted at the Department and at the Event page linked above at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.

Board and its Members ​Regularly Scheduled Meetings (if any)
Advisory Board of Livestock Commissioners.pdf  
Agriculture Equity Commission 2024: July 15, December 9
Alternative Protein Innovation Taskforce 2025: March 11
​Cattle Disease Control Committee none - ​only meets in the event of disease outbreak
Good Food Purchasing Policy Task Force 2025: January 13,
Illinois Grain Insurance Corporation Board of Directors.pdf Last Thursday of March of each calendar year at 10AM 
Illinois Propane Education and Research Council.pdf 2025 meetings: March 25, May 6, September 10, December 10
​Interagency Committee on Farmland Preservation
Interagency Committee on Pesticides.pdf


Livestock Management Facilities Advisory Committee.pdf
Nutrient Research and Education Council.pdf  2025: March, July, December (Dates & Times TBD) 
​Pseudorabies Advisory Committee ​none - only meets during the timeframe of detection of a pseudorabies outbreak
​Pseudorabies Technical Committee none - only meets during the timeframe of detection of a pseudorabies outbreak
​Racing Quarter Horse Breeders Fund Advisory Board  
​Seed Arbitration Council ​none - only meets to addresses complaints that the Seed Review Committee could not resolve
​Seed Review Committee ​none - only meets to review complaints
Standardbred Breeders Fund Advisory Board
June 18, 2024
State Fair Advisory Board  
​State Soil and Water Conservation Districts Advisory Board  
​Sustainable Agriculture Committee  
​Swine Disease Control Committee ​none - only meets in the event of disease outbreak
Thoroughbred Advisory Board members
June 18, 2024
