Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage
Employees in the Department's Bureau of Environmental Programs administer several state and federal programs regarding the protection of various aspects of our environment. Staff of the nursery inspection program work to control plant pests, diseases, and noxious weeds through nursery grower, nursery stock dealer, and greenhouse inspection and certification programs. Plant pest and disease quarantine programs are also regulated and administered by Bureau staff members. The nursery inspection staff also inspects and certifies plant and plant products for domestic and international export.
The Department also registers pesticides; tests, certifies and licenses pesticide applicators; and investigates alleged cases of pesticide misuse. The Bureau also operates a statewide agricultural pesticide container-recycling program and operates a pesticide laboratory that tests groundwater, soil, and plant samples for pesticide residues and ensures accurate marketing and labeling of pesticides. Another key program administered by Bureau staff involves the enforcement of proper storage, containment, and disposal of pesticides and fertilizers.
The Department also administers the Livestock Management Facilities Act, that regulates the siting and construction of livestock production facilities across the state and includes requirements regarding facility setback distances, facility design and construction standards, waste management plans, and livestock manager certification.
Improper use or disposal of agricultural chemicals (or agrichemicals) can pose a significant risk to the environment, human and animal health, and trade. Leaking chemical containers can poison waterways, soil and groundwater.
Partners for Conservation is a long-term, state-supported initiative to protect natural resources and enhance outdoor recreational opportunities in Illinois. The program, which became law in 1995, implements strategies for maintaining the viability of Illinois' soil and water resources into the 21st century and beyond.
The DriftWatch Specialty Crop Site Registry is a voluntary communication tool that enables crop producers, beekeepers, and pesticide applicators to work together to protect specialty crops and apiaries through use of the DriftWatch registry mapping program.
Information on how you can get rid of some of the exotic pests in the state of Illinois.
The state Agriculture Department works with other state agencies, planning commissions, and county governments to help reduce the extent to which farmland is affected by conversion or development.
The Illinois management plan relies on the IDOA's groundwater monitoring well network and the Illinois EPA's public water supply well pesticide-monitoring sub-network to determine the occurrence of pesticides in groundwater and whether there are significant, spatial or temporal trends in pesticide concentrations.
The Bureau of Land and Water Resources distributes funds to Illinois' 97 soil and water conservation districts for programs aimed at reducing soil loss and protecting water quality.
The Livestock Management Facilities Act protects your right as a citizen to a safe, clean environment as well as the right of livestock farmers to earn a living. It concludes animal agriculture is important to Illinois' economy and should be maintained, but farmers have a responsibility to be good neighbors.
It is recognized that pesticides are valuable and necessary to Illinois' agricultural production and to the protection of man and his environment from pests, but it is essential to our general health and welfare that they be regulated to prevent adverse effects on man and his environment
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- A PDF file containing information on the Soil & Water Conservation Districts.