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Centennial Agribusiness
The Centennial Agribusiness program was established to honor the generations of businesses who have worked to produce, process, and/or distribute agricultural products in Illinois for 100 or more years.
Eligible agribusinesses must also have either the same name, or the same ownership for the entirety of the 100 or more years.
There is a $50 fee to offset the cost of the sign.
When certified as a Centennial Agribusiness, you receive:
- Road Grade Sign
- Certificate signed by the Director of Agriculture and the Governor
- Press Release to send to your local paper
- Invitation to Agriculture day at the State Fair
Centennial Agribusiness Look-up
Click here for Answers to Frequently Asked Questions.
For more information please contact:
Illinois Centennial / Sesquicentennial/Bicentennial Farms Program
Illinois Department of Agriculture Marketing and Promotions
State Fairgrounds
P. O. Box 19281
Springfield, Illinois 62794-9281
Phone: 217-557-6993
Email: AGR.CentFarms@illinois.gov