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Take the Illinois Product Pledge!
Show Your Illinois Product Pride with a Free Sticker or Reusable Bag. When you take the Illinois Product pledge you’re supporting local farmers, producers, and manufacturers in Illinois.
When you take the Illinois Product pledge you’re supporting local farmers, producers, and manufacturers in Illinois. Pledge to spend $10 of your weekly grocery budget on Illinois products. By doing so you help the local economy and reinvest dollars back into the state, and you’ll get a free reusable bag or sticker. If every Illinois household dedicated $10 of its existing, weekly grocery budget towards the purchase of Illinois food products, more than $2.5 billion a year would be reinvested in the Illinois economy.
Look for these logos to buy Illinois Products
Take The Illinois Product Pledge and Receive a Free Sticker or Bag in Two Easy Steps:
- Fill out the form below.
- Show the confirmation page to a representative at the information booth at the Illinois Department of Agriculture Tent at the Illinois State Fair.
Get Involved!
Illinois Product Events
Meet the producers behind Illinois Products and buy local at an upcoming Illinois Product Event: