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Halal Registration

IL Statute 815 ILCS 505/2LL- Halal food; disclosure as part of the Consumer Fraud and deceptive Business Practices Act, requires that any establishment advertising, offering for sale, processing, distributing, or otherwise handling in any way, Halal products, must be registered with the IL Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Meat & Poultry Inspection.

(815 ILCS 505/2LL) Sec. 2LL. Halal food; disclosure.
(a) As used in this Section:
"Dealer" means any establishment that advertises, represents, or holds itself out as growing animals in a halal way or selling, preparing, or maintaining food as halal, including, but not limited to, manufacturers, animals' farms, slaughterhouses, wholesalers, stores, restaurants, hotels, catering facilities, butcher shops, summer camps, bakeries, delicatessens, supermarkets, grocery stores, licensed health care facilities, freezer dealers, and food plan companies. These establishments may also sell, prepare or maintain food not represented as halal.

(815 ILCS 505/2LL) Sec. 2LL. Halal food; disclosure.
(f) Neither an animal represented to be grown in a halal way to become food for human consumption, nor a food commodity represented as halal, may be offered for sale by a dealer until the dealer has registered, with the Director, documenting information of the certifying Islamic entity specialized in halal food or the supervising Muslim Inspector of Halal Food.

Regardless of the type of Halal dealer your establishment is representing, the establishment is required to register with the IDOA. In order to register with the IDOA, your establishment must be certified by an Islamic entity specialized in halal food or the supervising Muslim Inspector of Halal Food. We will also accept a letter certifying the handling and sale of Halal food, on official letterhead, and signed by a certifying Islamic entity or Muslim inspector.

You must submit proof of either the certificate or letter to our office at the time of the application submission so that we can properly process your request. Failure to submit the proper paperwork will result in a delay or denial of registration and will place your establishment out of compliance with state of Illinois regulations making your establishment subject to enforcement regulations.

Information and Application for IDOA Halal Certification Registration

Halal Cover Letter

Halal Food Act

Consumer Fraud & Deceptive Business Practices Act (Halal)

IL Administrative Procedure (Halal)

MPI Halal Certification Registration Form

  • Page 1 of the Registration Form MUST be completed in full.
  • Appropriate Appendix (A-E) MUST be completed.
  • Include copies of certificates issued by Halal Certifying entities
  • If no certificates are held, submit a letter of approval for Halal sales, on official letterhead that has been signed by an Islamic or Muslim official.
  • $75 annual application fee must be included.
  • Requires annual renewal. Certificate is valid from July 1-June 30.
