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Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage

A worldwide technology outage is causing disruption to some State of Illinois online systems.  We are aware of this issue and are diligently working on restoration.

Meat & Poultry Brokers

Bureau of Meat & Poultry

"Meat broker", "poultry broker", or "meat and poultry broker" "means any person, firm or corporation, engaged in the business of buying, negotiating for purchase of, handling or taking possession of, or selling meat or poultry products on commission or otherwise purchasing or selling of such articles other than for the person's own account in their original containers without changing the character of the products in any way. A broker shall not possess any processing equipment in his or her licensed facility".

Any meat and/or poultry product bought, handled, possessed, or sold with the intention of entering into commerce, must bear a State of IL or USDA Mark of Inspection.

Information and Application for Meat & Poultry Brokers

Broker Cover Letter

Broker License Requirements

Broker License Inspection Guidelines

MPI Broker License Application

  • Page two of the application MUST be signed and dated.
  • Only ONE box indicating Child Support must be marked on the bottom of Page two.
  • Incomplete or incorrectly completed applications cannot be processed and will be returned for correction.
  • $50 annual applicaion fee must be included.
  • Requires annual renewal. License is valid from July 1-June 30. Any licenses not renewed by July 1 will incur a $50 late fee in addition to the $50 annual fee.

IL Meat & Poultry Inspection Act



The IL Department of Agriculture, Meat and Poultry Brokers License, covers WHOLESALE of meat and poultry products only.  This includes any meat and poultry that is sold to an establishment for the purpose of resale. Ex: Meat & Poultry Product sales to a restaurant or retail store that will resell the product.

RETAIL sales include sales of meat and poultry products to the end consumer.  Retail sales are covered by the local county health department in the county that the establishment is operating. Ex: Meat and poultry sales to a customer that will take the product home and use it for personal use.

For additional information on retail sales, please contact your local county health department please check the IDPH Local Health Department Directory Listing.


A Meat & Poultry Broker's License issued by the Illinois Department of Agriculture, is NOT required to participate in a Farmer's Market.

You MUST however, check with your local county health department for any requirements that they have regarding licensing for Farmer's Market sales.

Illlinois Guide for Farmers' Markets

Illinois Department of Agriculture Farmers' Markets Information

Illinois Department of Public Health Farmers' Markets link
