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Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage

A worldwide technology outage is causing disruption to some State of Illinois online systems.  We are aware of this issue and are diligently working on restoration.

Reportable Diseases

The Illinois Department of Agriculture's Bureau of Animal Health and Welfare is responsible for the detection and eradication of certain animal diseases.  State and federal veterinarians perform epidemiologic investigations, develop plans to eradicate disease in infected herds, and monitor and test animals.  Animal Health and Welfare investigators assist state and federal veterinarians with livestock testing and test poultry for disease to ensure livestock owners comply with testing requirements. These officials also inspect livestock markets for proper sanitation, monitor livestock identification and ensure animals are transported properly.   There are several program diseases which can be found under species specific livestock pages HERE.  Below is a list of all encompassing reportable diseases.  

Veterinarians, livestock owners, and other industry sectors have the responsibility to prevent the movement of contaminated, infectious, or contagious animals, animal products, and other potentially contaminated or infectious materials under the Illinois Diseased Animals Act (510 ILCS 50, Sec. 18-23). A specific list of reportable diseases is maintained by the Illinois Department of Agriculture. According to the Illinois Diseased Animals Rules, "Any herd owner, flock owner, veterinarian, or other person having knowledge of the disease, failing to report a suspect case of any of the diseases immediately after discovery, or who is responsible for the spread of the diseases, shall be subject to penalty as provided by the law."

Suspected cases of the following diseases, unless otherwise noted, shall be reported immediately to the Department by completing the Reportable Animal Disease Form. For Johne's disease cases ONLY, use the Johne's Disease Reporting Form

Any TB responders (suspects) should be reported IMMEDIATELY to the State Veterinarian's Office at 217-782-4944 or the USDA Area Veterinarian In Charge at 217-547-6030. 

*Diseases in bold with an asterisk are considered foreign animal diseases and should be IMMEDIATELY reported to the State Veterinarian's office at 217-782-4944 or the USDA Area Veterinarian In Charge for Illinois at 217-547-6030.

To report these diseases after hours, on weekends, or holidays, contact the Illinois Emergency Management Agency at 800-782-7860 and the duty officer will contact the Bureau of Animal Health and Welfare. 

All other diseases should be reported utilizing the Reportable Animal Disease Form above.

  • anthrax
  • avian influenza*
  • bluetongue
  • brucellosis - bovine, canine, swine, equine, and caprine
  • chronic wasting disease (CWD) - cervids
  • contagious equine metritis (CEM)
  • equine infectious anemia (EIA)
  • equine viral encephalitides
  • fowl typhoid
  • hog cholera
  • infectious encephalomyelitis - avian
  • infectious laryngotracheitis
  • monkeypox
  • Mycoplasma gallisepticum - turkeys
  • Mycoplasma synoviae - turkeys
  • Newcastle disease
  • paramyxovirus infection
  • paratuberculosis - (Johne's disease)
  • piroplasmosis
  • plague
  • pseudorabies - (Aujeszky's disease)
  • psittacosis - (ornithosis)
  • pullorum disease
  • Q fever
  • rabies
  • salmonella enteritidis - poultry
  • salmonella typhimurium - poultry
  • scabies - cattle and sheep
  • scrapie
  • transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE)
  • trichinellosis
  • tuberculosis - bovine
  • tularemia
  • vesicular conditions of any type (i.e. Foot and Mouth Disease)*
  • West Nile Virus
  • any contagious or infectious disease presently considered as "exotic", i.e., not known to exist in the United States (i.e. African or Classical Swine Fever)*

When reporting confirmed cases please have history, testing information, animal and producer information. 
