Include the full name of the producer or business entity as listed on their license.

Be sure to include the 1200- prefix with your license number

If the Location Type is "Field/Outdoor", report in acres. If the Location Type is "Greenhouse/Indoor", report in square feet.

Enter the total amount of hemp that the producer planted this year. If hemp was planted outdoors, report in acres. If hemp was planted indoors, report in square feet. If the producer planted in both indoor and outdoor locations please report the total in either acres or square feet.

Enter the total amount of hemp that the producer disposed this year due to non-compliant THC levels. If hemp was grown outdoors, report in acres. If hemp was grown indoors, report in square feet.  

If none, enter 0.

Enter the total amount of hemp that the producer harvested this year. If hemp was grown outdoors, report in acres. If hemp was grown indoors, report in square feet. If the producer planted in both indoor and outdoor locations please report the total in either acres or square feet.

Fill in the options that apply to the producer. You may select more than one intended use.

Enter a reasoning for the value difference between the Total Planted and Total Harvested that the Total Disposed for Non-Compliance does not account for, if necessary.